Standard Operating Procedures to be followed by the management of museums to reopen. Educational institute for the students of all research programmes and post-graduate students in science and technology programmes may also reopen
New Delhi: The Ministry of Culture on Thursday issued detailed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the re-opening of the Museums, Art Galleries and the Exhibitions from November 10.
An official release said here that the SOPs on preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID are based on Unlock 5 guidelines of MHA taking into consideration various suggestions by the stakeholders in the culture and creative industry.
According to the fresh guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures to be followed by the management of museums, both temporary and permanent art galleries and exhibitions as well as the visitors to these spaces. Comprehensive guidelines have been issued for adequate cleaning, purchase of tickets and for ensuring the safety of visitors and staff at museums, exhibitions and art galleries.
The Ministry has made it clear that no museums and art galleries shall reopen in containment zones. The concerned State governments and UT administration may consider proposing additional measures as per their field assessment.
The National Directives for COVID-19 Management and the relevant guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, State/Union Territory Governments shall be strictly complied with during all activities and operations.
These guidelines shall come into effect immediately and shall continue to be in effect until further orders, the release added.
While the museums, exhibitions and art galleries under Ministry of Culture would be reopened from November 10 onwards, and others can be re-opened as per convenience and in tune with relevant State, city and their local laws, rules and regulations regarding the unlock guidelines that are in force.
UGC issues guidelines for colleges, universities
The University Grants Commission (UGC) on Thursday issued fresh guidelines for re-opening Universities and colleges post lockdown.
According to the Standard Operating Procedure, educational institutions for the students of all research programmes and post-graduate students in science and technology programmes may reopen as the number of such students is comparatively less and norms of physical distancing and preventive measures can easily be followed.
The Ministry of Education said the Universities and Colleges outside the containment zones may be opened in a graded manner, after consultations with the concerned State/UT Governments and subject to adherence to the guidelines/SOP for safety and health protocol prepared by the Commission.
For state universities and colleges, the state governments will decide on resumption of physical classes. If students still do not feel safe to join school, UGC has a solution for it too. ”Some students may opt not to attend classes and prefer to study online while staying at home. Institutions may provide online study material and access to e-resources to such students for teaching-learning”, it stated.
For hostellers, the UGC said that hostels may be opened only in such cases where it is necessary, while strictly observing the safety and health preventive measures.
The directions say, “The sharing of rooms may not be allowed in hostels. Symptomatic students should not be permitted to stay in the hostels under any circumstances.” The commission urged to adhere to social distancing, use of face masks and other protective measures.