We value all our contributors’ articles that they send in for publication to the numerous sections of Hams Live News. To streamline the articles efficiently, they must send them through email distinctly mentioning the relevant section in the subject line where the writers want their articles to be posted as we receive an umpteen number of such contributions daily.
We will make a concerted endeavor to acknowledge the receipt of correspondence. Contributors are requested not to send the same article to different sections of Hams Live News. If an article or letter is not published or acknowledged within a week of its receipt, it may not have met our particular requirements, or the story is not relevant or does not coincide with our policy.
A scanned copy of a contributor’s identity e.g. passport, UID, etc. must be submitted. They need to disclose their names with their full address of correspondence, affiliation with any political party, organization, group or institution, (if any).
It is conceivable that your contribution may be reproduced in other languages of our service or translated where credit may be given to us because we translate stories, rewrite articles.
In relation to your contribution or for varied projects, Hams Live News may need to contact you for verification and administrative purposes. Unless you wish otherwise, we generally disclose your name with your contribution. Write work reports to report project progress and results.
If under 18, you will need to certify that you have the consent of a known identified person, for your contribution or the consent of a parent/guardian. You will need to affirm that your contribution is your own creation, is not inciting, not defamatory, and does not transgress any Indian laws. You need to certify that you have the right to give Hams Live permission to use it for the purposes specified above.
You have all the copyrights for your contributions with the rights to use your contribution in any way. At the same time, there is the inclusion of allowing others to use it too, so this is not an exclusive authorization.
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