When we read the Preamble of the Constitution, rejuvenated rays of hope rise with elated emotions reinstating that presently, we the people of India are all one and we are victorious in saving the true spirit of the Constitution.
“We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign socialist secular democratic republic and to secure to all its citizens: Justice, social, economic and political; liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; Equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation; in our constituent assembly this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution”
This Preamble of the Indian Constitution is a brief introduction to our Constitution, a simple but powerful word – important and meaningful. Its sole purpose is to guide the people of India, to present the principles and rules of the Constitution, to put into practice the hopes, expectations, and intentions of the people, and to declare the source from which this document has been obtained. Our preamble captures the very heartbeat of the entire Indian constitution.
India Before 26 January 1950
Our country became independent on 15th August 1947, but an independent country comes into existence only when it has its own constitution and system. In this regard, India got the status of an independent country on 26 January 1950 when 366 members of our Constituent Assembly passed the Constitution.
Earlier, the British government had handed over the reins of the country to our leaders under the India Independence Act. That is, before 26 January 1950, almost the same laws were applicable in our country which was passed by the British Parliament in 1935, the amended colonial law.
However, soon after independence, on 28 August 1947, a Constitutional Committee was constituted under the chairmanship of Dr. BhimRaoAmbedkar and the committee sent a draft to the Constituent Assembly on November 4 of the same year.
Republic Day
The Legislative Assembly had a total of 166 sessions and after much deliberation, after two years, 11 months, and 18 days, 308 members signed the Constitution of an independent India and it was sent to the government on 24 January 1950. Two days later, on 26 January, the government approved it. Thus it came into force on 26 January 1950. Later on, this date was called Republic Day of India and under this title, the celebration of the Republic is organized every year on this day.
Dr. Ambedkar writes: “Indeed, it was a way of life that recognized liberty, equality and fraternity as principles of life and these principles never differ from each other: therefore liberty differs from equality. Relationship does not end. Similarly, liberty and equality are inseparable from fraternity.
Freedom gives superiority to many without equality. Equality crushes individual action if it is not related to liberty. Also, without brotherhood, liberty and equality cannot maintain the natural flow of things.”
Foundation of a Democratic Country
Let us now look at the present situation in the light of the Preamble of the Constitution of India, its objectives, and the intentions of the legislators. There is no doubt that faith, moral values, and honesty towards humanity are the keys to the success of democracy. Also, equality, harmony, brotherhood, and patriotism are the values that strengthen the foundation of any democratic country.
Even today, 72 years later, amidst all the ups and downs and apprehensions, our democracy stands firmly in front of the world. The real reason for this is our constitution, our values and traditions, unity in diversity, and colorful civilization and culture. All these things together constitute the spirit of this country and this spirit makes the country strong.
Now it is the responsibility of every citizen of this country that whenever this country’s constitution, values, traditions, and culture come in any crisis, they stand forward to save it. Some powers do not want this country to move forward with its glorious past and its values and traditions. That is why for some time now, there is a constant effort to disseminate the fabric of India’s multi-colored and pluralistic culture and impose a monopoly on one particular culture, one particular idea and one organization. If these powers succeed in their ambitions, then neither this country nor the country’s constitution and democracy will be able to remain powerful.
Republic Day of 2022
Unfortunately, we are celebrating the Republic Day of 2022 at stormy times when not only the Constitution but also the true spirit of India is being threatened. Words like “socialist” and “secular” in the Preamble of the Constitution now seem to be drowning in a rising movement. The resolve to maintain the People’s Republic is getting lost. Social, economic, and political justice for the citizens is becoming a faint dream. While efforts are being made to protect the freedom of thought, expression, religion, and worship, the strengthening equality and camaraderie is being sabotaged by aggressive forces. The unity and integrity of the country are getting hurt.
The words “secular” and “socialist” included in the Preamble of the Constitution through the 42nd amendment have always been fought against in the eyes of extremists and extremist organizations have been openly saying that these two words should be removed from the Constitution.
Not only was a petition filed in the Supreme Court seeking his removal, but Parliament had also demanded the removal of the words. It was said that this political ideology is being imposed on the citizens because in reality secularism and socialism are political ideologies.
Assembly in the name of ‘Religion’ in Haridwar
Matters become turbulent over recent times. Some powerful people have started openly talking about knocking off the Preamble and the abolition of the entire Constitution! Some time ago. a ‘Saffron Constitution’ was introduced in the ‘Parliament’ organized in the name of ‘Dharma’ in Haridwar, concealed, vicious, and people were exhorted to adopt it, but its toxic intentions blow out in the open unexpectedly, shocking the nation, but unfortunately, no action was taken against its diabolic dialogue which inculcates genocide.
Earlier, Union Minister AnantHegde had announced in a public meeting that “We have come to power with the intention of changing the Constitution.” In addition, the current RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat addressed a convention of the All India Advocates Council in Hyderabad advocating for changes in the Constitution and justice system according to the values of the country.
Citizenship Amendment Act
The point is that from time to time we come across statements and views where the Indian Constitution, referring to ‘Western influences’, is used as a source of controversy for neglecting ‘Indian values’ . Here Indian values mean something else. Similarly, many unnecessary amendments are being made to the Constitution. The Citizenship Amendment Act is a prime example of this.
Similarly, the issue of reservation is also raised time and again. Isn’t the Constitution of this country being attacked again and again by making Manu Asmarti a topic of discussion with the ‘Saffron Constitution’? The most unfortunate aspect of this is that all these movements are supported by the ruling powers; otherwise why is there stone drop silence from them? However, when we read the Preamble of the Constitution, it comes to the realization that at present we the people of India are one and have been successful in preserving the true spirit of the Constitution, but nothing can be said about what will happen next and Indian hearts beat in anxiety awaiting apprehensive days ahead.
(The author is the Resident Editor of the Urdu Daily Inquilab, New Delhi) [email protected]
The views expressed in this article are those of the author