This popular tourist spot in China’s Xiapu County in China’s Fujian province is fake, and enraged tourists feel cheated after visiting.
The exotic seaside, pure blue waters, beautiful farming landscapes in Xiapu County in southern China looked breathtakingly beautiful drawing tourists to visit, but most of these pictures were touched up and staged by teams of tour guides with grand dynamics to lure visitors.
While Xiapu is still a largely rustic town, the scenic countryside and people within it were created by teams of photo crews masquerading as fake fishermen and farmers and called it “Heaven on Earth.”
Unfortunately, when tourists visited Xiapu, they were deeply disappointed and furious reviewers said that they were scammed into visiting Xiapu believing it would be a wonderful, untouched rural environment.
What looked like a wispy mysterious mist was just ugly gray smoke rising from a burning pile of rubbish and the beautiful glowing countryside was just normal grass, rubble, and stones. The photography business through its skillful deceptive glitter and glamour has learned to con innocent people at the cost of making money and gain.