Living a life of praise releases dimensions of greater joy and miracles while living a life of complaints shrinks lives to dryness.
What we think is what we become. A person who is constantly angry or grumbles has a negative attachment, with entry points and those enter our lives at some point. Discussing things to reach a constructive conclusion is positive, but a negative spirit does not want a conclusion. When we walk around them, negativity permeates the air.
Sometimes, we have to avoid or stop encouraging people who are constantly grumbling about everything. People who live with an angry spirit for years do three things, they either become silent and repressed, they start to become like them too, or they fly away because they cannot bear such negativity.
Husband and wives develop the same spirit of connivance, anger, or cunning because they start to share the same negative attachments. Their children either too start to complain about everything, or they start to drift away from their parents and homes because the atmosphere in the house is stifling. People who after living with an angry person for years start to get the same anger or same spirit of complaint.
Living in joy with a cheerful spirit enables people to walk in a higher dimension. It is said gratefulness is the magnet for miracles.
A cheerful spirit releases:
Healing in our bodies.
Healing in our minds.
Wholeness in our spirits.
After this is complete, peace flows from the soul, and this releases joy which is the magnet for miracles. However, it all starts with a decision, to be cheerful, to start praising, and to be thankful.
How can one attract wonders in their life if they are constantly complaining, with no time to praise, rejoice, enjoy nature, love others?
Sometimes, we lovingly will need to point a grumbling spirit to someone we live with, many times, they are not aware they are grumbling. We need to set boundary lines if a person is constantly invading our lives with their negativity.
The ego has to die to let joy and love reign. Live in the dimension of joy, praise, and gratitude and do constant acts of kindness, and you will feel new joy heal your heart, your bones, and your soul. This is when new wonders will begin. Proverbs 17:22, says, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”